ClickASnap Review: Can You Make Money? Eh.

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ClickASnap is an online photo sharing platform that is said to pay you ¢0.70 per photo view, one of the highest payouts in the industry.  DON’T get this confused with $0.70 as they do kind of mislead you on the site, which I can understand.  They want you to sign up.

They have more than 1,000,000 members and close to 2,000,000 images are viewed every day.  And, it seems to be a legitimate company at first glance, however, do they really pay ¢0.70 per photo view?  That’s what I wanted to find out.

If you want to get paid whenever your original photos are viewed, then this may be a platform to consider.  However, don’t get excited just yet.  There are some terms and conditions to abide by.

In today’s review, as in all of my reviews, I will show you how the platform works.  As always, I’m 100% honest and will only recommend what I feel is worth your time.

The Misleading ¢0.70 per View

If you have ever landed on ClickASnap before you even came to this review, then you may have already signed up and were presented with the following…

As you can see, you will have to pay in order to start earning pay for your views.  If you stick with the $0 per month plan, then unfortunately, you won’t make anything; however, you can upload pictures if you choose to do so.  It just won’t do anything.  Simply put, you can’t earn anything if you just stick to the free membership.

Keep in mind that these are annual plans so you will be charged that amount times 12.  The company doesn’t offer refunds, so make sure you want to sign up after paying.  They are very strict about this it seems.

Now, let’s say if you upgrade your account, can you make a lot of money?

It depends.

As mentioned, you can upload pictures whenever you please, however, you need to make sure that the photos are original and taken by you.  You’re not allowed to upload stock photos, graphics and/or screenshots.

Upgrading Your Account

Now, let’s say you do upgrade to a paid account.  At a minimum, you will need to invest £2, but you can invest more if you want more options.  For example, the higher tier offers more promotion as well as free credits to spend on promotion.  I will get into that later.

If you do end up promoting your account, you can then upload your photos and watch a view counter next to each photo you take.  In order to get paid, though, the person looking at your photo needs to view the photo for at least five seconds for it to be counted for payment.

It may sound easy, but getting views on the platform is very hard for a few reasons.  For one, you have to build a follow to start garnering views and your photos have to be very high in quality.  Don’t expect to upload a picture of a sunset and start racking in hundreds of dollars a year.  Unfortunately, it’s not going to work that way.  It’s going to take a lot of work, but if you’re willing to invest some time, it may be worth it to you.

Selling Your Photos

If you take a close glance at the membership tiers above, you will notice two of the top tiers allow you to sell your photos.  If you upgrade to one of those two tiers, then you can sell your photos, similar to the many I have talked about in the past.

This is something to consider as it will give you another option to make money on the site, not just from views.

If someone were to buy a photo from ClickASnap, then they do everything, from printing the photo to mailing it.

When you sell a photo, you can set the price as well as keep most of it, as ClickASnap only keeps 4%, which is relatively low compared to competitors.

Can You Make Money with ClickASnap?

How much you make will greatly depend on your following, similar to that of social media.  So, the larger your following, the more money you can make.

Now, here’s the thing.

The company does note that you can earn ¢0.70 per view, but this is less than a penny, meaning you will only earn $0.007 per view, not $0.70 as most people think.  I will be honest I thought the company would pay this high amount as well until I saw the ¢ sign, not the $ sign.

Seeing you need at least $15 to cash out via PayPal, you will need at least 2,000+ views to earn that, which, again, if you have a lot of followers, it can be possible.  BUT, remember, these people who view your photos need to zoom in on your picture and stay on it for at least five seconds.  That’s a long time.

The platform is very time intensive and your pictures can get buried quickly if you don’t use the right tags, pictures, etc.  Plan on investing a lot of time to earn money.  I can’t stress this enough.

Signing Up for an Account

If everything mentioned above sounds of interest to you, then you can create an account, which requires you to add your email as well as a password.

You can also connect your Google, Facebook or Twitter account if you please, but this is entirely up to you.

The nice thing about the app is that you only need to be at least 18+ years old and it’s open worldwide.

Final Thoughts

2/10ClickASnap seems meh.  You’re going to have to work hard at getting views for your photos, and this seems to be very tiresome, according to most reviews I read online. Remember, you will need at least 2,000+ verified views to cash out via PayPal.  The views may not sound like much, but seeing this is a no-name platform, it’s going to be tough to get people to view your photos.

While the company is legitimate and they do pay, don’t expect to make much for the time you have to invest.  It has some features that seem okay, but it isn’t worth the monthly subscription fee to me.

However, if you feel you can build an audience and your pictures are unique, then I guess you could invest a few dollars to test the waters.  Just don’t get mad if you find out it’s taking forever to build your balance.

That’s going to do it for now.

As always, if you want to comment on your experience, you’re more than welcome to do so in the comments below.

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Tom Nathaniel

Hi! My name is Tom Nathaniel, and I created LushDollar to help share my honest thoughts on everything money. You won't find gimmicks here. It's the Internet's most honest money site after all. I graduated from Arizona State University, and I have worked in the finance industry since 2006, consulting with multiple Fortune 5000 companies.

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