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Facebook Free Stuff: How to Find It… Guaranteed!

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When you think about Facebook, you probably think about connecting with friends, family and/or maybe your favorite restaurant up the road.

Sure, while that’s what Facebook is primarily known for, did you know that you can often get a ton of freebies, all legitimately via the Facebook platform?

As long as you have a Facebook account (if not, create one; it’s free!) and know how to follow a tutorial, then you could find yourself with more freebies than you can handle by the time you apply all of my tips.  I promise you that it’s very simple to do!

In this guide, I wanted to talk about how to use Facebook groups, which “freebie groups” you should follow and how the freebies work in general.

How to Find Free Stuff on Facebook

First, Learn How Facebook Groups Work

I have talked about Facebook Groups so many times on this website, particularly in my Craigslist alternatives and how to visit garage sales online posts.  They are quite valuable if you know how to use them.

In short, these groups are created by other Facebook members and can be on anything you can imagine, as long as they are legal, of course.

From your local community talking about everything happening in your town to more generic groups, such as finding freebies or even making money online, I promise you there’s a group for everything.

Inside these groups, you can post something if you wish or you can simply see what others are saying.  You are not required to participate if you don’t want to.  Picture it as a message board forum but a pinch different in the way it’s laid out.

The reason I bring these groups up is that it’s, by far, the best way to find freebies on Facebook.

How to Join a Facebook Group to Find Freebies

Joining a Facebook Group is very easy, and I will show you exactly how it’s done below.

Log into your Facebook account, and once you’re in, search for a freebie you had in mind.  If you can’t think of any, I’m going to list some of my favorite Facebook freebie groups near the end.

In my example, I’m going to search for baby freebies.  You will want to make sure that you’re as broad as possible to ensure you’re seeing as many results as possible.  You can try specific niches, but just don’t be discouraged if nothing comes up of value.

After you search, click on the groups tab as mentioned above to see which groups you can join.

Now, while you will see a ton of options, you will want to make sure you’re only joining the groups that are quite active.

So, you will want to look for any group that has more than 10+ posts a day.  I highlighted some of the best below.

That way, when you join, you can be certain that multiple freebies are posted throughout the day.   There’s no point in joining an inactive group as you probably won’t get accepted and there probably won’t be much in terms of content.

The bad thing about these groups is that you can’t click “join” and enter right away.

Instead, many ask you to apply, usually by answering a question and agreeing to the rules.  Since Facebook has a ton of spammers who often want to join these groups and promote their garbage, this is done as a way to limit the spammers.  As long as you promise not to spam the group and play nice, you won’t have a problem.

So, for example, the “Freebie Lady” group seen above has the following rules…

And, then, when you click “join,” it will ask you to agree to the following…

Again, as long as you agree to the terms, you won’t have any issues.  Just wait up to 24 hours or so, depending on how active the administrator is, to get accepted.

Most of these groups will work in the same way, but what you may find out is that some may ask different questions upon joining.  They all vary.

Participating in the Groups

Once the administrator accepts you, it will show up in your groups tab inside your menu as seen below.

From there, you can click on the group and browse the most recent posts to see what’s available at the moment or you can even search the group if you’re looking for something specific.

Here’s an example as to what a post could look like…

The nice thing about these groups is that if you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can always create a post and see if the community can help.  Before you do, however, always make sure you search the group to make sure your question/concern wasn’t posted in the past.

These groups are pretty self-explanatory.  You can either scroll through them as you do your feed or as I mentioned, you can use the search tool to find what you’re looking for.

Best Facebook Freebie Groups

Now that you know how to join a group, I wanted to include links to some of my favorite Facebook freebie groups online.  Simply follow the URL, join and follow the prompts as specified as above.

These are only a few of the many groups.  For now, these are the ones I’m part of and have found to be of great value.

Look for a Local “Freebie” Group

Aside from the many listed above, you can also search for your local city to see if there’s a group dedicated to freebies only.

To do this, you will want to search using the same techniques mentioned above, but instead of using a generic term, use something more along the lines of “your city + freebies.”

In some cases, you may not be able to find anything, but you may be able to find something if you use a larger city nearby.  Remember, you can always search for your city if need be.

If you can find a local freebie group, these groups work a little different as people will often post items you will need to pick up.  Nonetheless, you could find some great freebies that could be worth your time.

Next, Consider “Liking” a Freebie Website…

In the past, I talked about 40+ freebie websites that are almost always posting freebies.

Aside from visiting their website, many of them often post the same deals on their Facebook pages as well, making for a great option if you don’t want to visit their website or forget to do so.

Unlike groups, wherein you need to join and then scroll through posts to find what you’re looking for, these pages are only operated by the website.  In short, only the website owner can post, so you can be assured anything that pops up will be of value.

Freebie Website Facebook Pages to Like

If you do decide to like some of these pages, they will automatically pop up in your Facebook feed, but you can also visit each one individually if you so choose.  There is no waiting period as you will be able to see the content instantly.  But, even if you don’t like the page, you can still view the content.

Like the groups, just click on your “pages” instead of the groups to go directly to the pages you liked.

With that out of the way, here are some websites/pages to consider liking…

Final Thoughts

In applying the tips mentioned above, I can promise you that you can find a ton of freebies every single day.  The good ones do go fast, however!

It will just be up to you to be diligent in your freebie hunt.  Make it a habit to log in once a day and sign up for as many that make sense to you.

As another note, do keep in mind that many of these freebies will come in the mail.  In this case, you may have to wait upwards of eight weeks, sometimes more due to the demand, but nonetheless, it’s a freebie, so who cares? Right?

As always, you’re more than welcome to add your favorite Facebook freebie groups in the comments below or even add to the tips I already talked about.

Much more than just connecting with friends and family, Facebook can find you some great freebies as well!

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Tom Nathaniel

Hi! My name is Tom Nathaniel, and I created LushDollar to help share my honest thoughts on everything money. You won't find gimmicks here. It's the Internet's most honest money site after all. I graduated from Arizona State University, and I have worked in the finance industry since 2006, consulting with multiple Fortune 5000 companies.

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