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Get Paid to Date: How to Make $200+ a Date!

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For most, dating can be quite the drag.

It eats up a lot of your time, and let’s face it, most dates end up in disappointment.  The no shows, the arrangement and let’s not forget the photo filters making someone look 30 pounds lighter.

But, worst of all?

It costs you money in one way or another.

In today’s post, I wanted to talk about the many ways you can actually make money while dating.  Yes, these are legitimate get paid to date websites.  And, I’m talking as much as $200+ per date in some cases.

Yes, you heard that right.

Instead of whipping out your wallet at dinner, there will be money in your bank account before the date even starts.

So, how does it work?

I’m about to dive in and let you know exactly how it works.  I will talk about the many free websites you can join and how you can take advantage.

As always, this is 100% legit and deal with no scams, I promise.

Get Paid to Go on a Date Online (6+ Websites to Try)


Quite possibly the biggest website in this space, WhatsYourPrice is designed for both guys and girls who want to get paid to date.  To date, they have more than two million members, ranging from rich millionaire men to a 52 year old cougar.

Here’s how it works…

On the website, it’s divided up into two groups.

One group, known as the “attractive,” are members who receive the bids to go on dates, whereas the “generous” are those who want to bid on dates.

If you want to get paid to date, then it’s best to sign up as an “attractive” member and wait for someone to send you bid.  It’s up to you if you want to decline or accept the offer, but from what I read, the average bid tends to be more than $80, at least according to ABC News!

Aside from accepting the bid, you can get to know the person before you actually meet up through the company’s chat feature, working much like other dating websites.

So, how much can you make with

It really depends on a few factors, but one particular post stated that a good offer tends to be more than $100+, whereas anything less than $20 can be seen as an insult.  If you’re looking to get paid to date a millionaire, and you want your bid as high as a few hundred, it is possible.

Cities can also play a role as well since a San Francisco will get you more bids than a town in the middle of nowhere.  The same can be said about your looks.

So, if you’re an attractive girl, it seems that $100+ per date is very doable, but as for men, even though you can sign up, it’s probably much hard to make cash, but of course, your results will vary.

All in all, it shouldn’t be too hard to make at least $200+ a week if you’re quite active, sometimes much more.

  • Website:

Not quite as big as WhatsYourPrice, is another option if you want to expand your horizons and be on as many platforms as possible.

Unlike WhatsYourPrice, wherein you can accept bids sent into you, Prodate asks that you set the price, with the sky as your limit.  Best of all, you get to keep 100% of your fee.

Before you commit to a date, the website does allow you to view profiles and even chat before confirming your date.  Upon arrival, you will receive your cash and enjoy your date.

In order to keep everyone safe, the company does ask that everyone who does sign up verify their credentials to use the website.  And, if a client is ever disrespectful, the website does note that they may ban the client if deemed appropriate.

  • Website:


MyBunnyDate works much like the other providers already mentioned, with the exception that a donation will be made on your behalf for every bid accepted.  Kind of nice, I suppose.

With MyBunnyDate, potential people who want to date you will send you an offer, in which you can then accept or deny.

If you do get an offer that you can’t refuse, then you simply accept the offer, go out on your first date and receive your cash.

The website does charge a small fee for members who want to send offers to a member accepting credits.

  • Website:


As you can see, there are quite a few websites you can use to make money while dating.

And, while most of these websites are free to post a dating profile, most will charge you to at least send a bid of your choice. is no different.

To use the website, you will first be asked to join and create a profile.  Then, once your profile is active, you can accept any bids that come your way.

The website doesn’t appear to be as popular as the others, but again, it doesn’t hurt to create a profile on as many as possible, especially seeing it’s free.

  • Website:

Ohlala, seen on multiple media outlets, allows men to send data requests to female users on the website.   This is more of an app, however.

Men get to create the date requests, such as the time as well as the budget.  Then, these requests are posted, in which female users can view and respond to.

If a female user likes what they see, they can accept and a chat window will open, wherein you can discuss the terms of the final date.

A lot of these websites allow both men and women to create profiles, but Ohlala only lets females accept cash for a date.  Something to keep in mind.

  • Website:

I wrote about in my 61+ ways to make $1,000 fast, but I will include it here as well.

While it technically isn’t a dating website, it’s a pretty cool idea if you don’t mind being someone’s friend for the day.   Here, most people are just looking for a friend for the day.

On this website, you get to be your own boss, set your own hours, pick a price and keep 100% of the money you make.

Working like the other websites, just wait for an offer to arrive and it’s up to you to accept it or not.

At first glance, the website does appear to be outdated, but I can promise you that people are actually using it to find someone to hang out with for the day.

Again, it’s not technically a way to make money while dating, but I wanted to include it here since it’s a way to make money as a companion to somebody.

Final Thoughts

In the dating world, just keep in mind of the risks involved if you do decide you want to at least give it a shot.

While it sounds awesome to make $200 in a night, always make sure you use your judgment when meeting up.  Like selling on Craigslist, meet in a public space and always let someone know when you’re going out and when you will be back.

It’s also best to know your intentions as some guys will have a different thing in mind, seeing they are paying you for the night.  All of these websites do not work like this and shouldn’t, so if you find any potential bidders asking you to do something you would be comfortable doing, it’s best to report them immediately.   The websites do try to weed out people trying to use the services illegally, but some people can slip through the cracks.

As you can see, getting paid to date is 100% possible, but as you might imagine, it’s going to be much easier for women than it will be for men.  This isn’t to say men shouldn’t try.  Just don’t expect a lot of bids in comparison to a girl’s profile.

In the meantime, women have explicitly stated making $100+ a date, but in the end, make sure you’re dating for the right reasons as the bidder is often looking for someone to date, not to just take out for the night.

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Tom Nathaniel

Hi! My name is Tom Nathaniel, and I created LushDollar to help share my honest thoughts on everything money. You won't find gimmicks here. It's the Internet's most honest money site after all. I graduated from Arizona State University, and I have worked in the finance industry since 2006, consulting with multiple Fortune 5000 companies.

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