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How to Get Paid to Share Links (Available to All)

Some of the links may be from a sponsor. Advertising Disclosure

Links are the very thing that keeps the internet alive.  If you follow any website or social media profile, they all have one thing in common; they love to share links.

Since links are always being shared, companies have capitalized on this opportunity, enabling you to earn money via what’s known as “link sharing.”  This is as simple as earning money whenever someone clicks on your link.  In some cases, you may have to do more than this, but I will get more into this later on in the post.

Whether you want to promote a product with a specific link, let it be known that there are a variety of ways to earn money from your links.  And, depending on which option you choose, you could make hundreds, if not thousands.  Like anything, however, it will greatly depend on which method you choose as well as how hard you work at it.  This can be said about anything, however.

Noted below are a few ways you can get paid by sharishortners ng links online.  As always, I’m 100% honest and will never promote something I wouldn’t do.

With all of that being said, let’s begin!

How to Get Paid to Share Links

Link Shorteners

Link Shorteners are ideal if you’re looking to share any link.  It’s as simple as adding your link and then letting the shortener turn it into a shortened link that you can click on.  Essentially, that newly created link will forward to the link you gave it.

For example, AdFly is a popular company that pays you any time someone clicks on your AdFly link.  It will turn any link you give it into an hyperlink.  Then, when you share that link, you will get paid.  These shorteners don’t pay much, maybe $5 per 1,000 clicks, but hey, if you’re going to share a link, you might as well get paid, right?

There are a lot of shorteners out there, but some of my favorites include the following:

  • (about $5~ per 1,000 clicks)
  • (up to $22 per 1,000 clicks)
  • BC.VC (about $3~ per 1,000 clicks)
  • (about $2~ per 1,000 clicks)
  • ($10~ per 1,000 clicks)

So, how do these companies make money?

Well, whenever someone clicks on that link, you will have to view ads being served on that platform.  So, you’re just splitting some of the ad profits with the company.  Don’t expect the link to go straight to where you want it to go.  No matter which company you sign up for, you will make $X per 1,000 clicks.  And, what you make will depend on your traffic quality, so your results could vary in comparison to mine.

If you do decide to use a link shortener, how much you make will depend on how much traffic you send your link.  Just be sure to read the terms and conditions before proceeding as abusing these services can lead to a suspension.   Usually, if you’re going to share a link and it makes sense, then it probably will be okay to use one of these link services.

Affiliate Marketing (best option)

If you want to earn as much as possible, consider looking into the world of affiliate marketing.

In short, this is when you will publish a specific link promoting a specific product, and you will get paid anytime someone completes an action and/or purchase.  Most of the time, you will find these links on websites, such as this one, YouTube, or even on social media.  Sometimes, it’s hard to distinguish as a good affiliate marketer will add the links naturally into the text.

There’s so much to affiliate marketing, so I can’t talk about it in detail here, but if you search YouTube or even refer to my favorite website, Ahrefs, it can get you on the right track.  There are a lot of great FREE resources out there that can help.  It’s just up to you to take action, I can’t stress this enough.

This option won’t be as easy as the prior option, but it can make you the most if you figure something out.  I promise no matter what you’re interested in, there’s a product that you can promote.  There are hundreds of affiliate companies out there, you just need to find one that works for your situation.  Everyone is different.

Referral Programs

This kind of ties into affiliate marketing, only that you’re promoting a service you’re already apart of.  So, you won’t have to go out and find a product nor will you have to create a website, YouTube channel, etc.

For example, Swagbucks, a company I promote a lot here, will pay you $3 in SB for every referral you sign up who reaches $3 in SB, as well as 10% of their earnings for life.  As you can imagine, this can add up quickly if you target the right market.  There are a lot of other companies that work in the same way.

In the past, I did write about the many reputable companies that pay you to refer friends, so I recommend you check it out if you’re interested in something like this.  If you do go this route, again, make sure you’re promoting your link responsibly as many will ban you if you decide to spam your link.

Final Thoughts

Yes, you can make money sharing links, but you have to make sure you do so carefully.  Your intentions here are to help people, not spam them.

While you won’t get rich with the URL shorteners, I always love to show you the many ideas as to ways to make money, no matter how much it can be.  Most of your money, however, will be in those affiliate offers.  This method, though, will take a lot of work.

Check out the many options I have given you and see which one works best for your situation.  Your results will vary, of course.

As always, if you have an option that I’m missing or maybe you want to comment on one I already mentioned, then you’re more than welcome to do so in the comments below.

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Tom Nathaniel

Hi! My name is Tom Nathaniel, and I created LushDollar to help share my honest thoughts on everything money. You won't find gimmicks here. It's the Internet's most honest money site after all. I graduated from Arizona State University, and I have worked in the finance industry since 2006, consulting with multiple Fortune 5000 companies.

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