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Make Money on Skype? It’s Possible.

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As you may know, Skype is one of the largest online services that allow you to make video calls, chat as well as make a traditional phone call.  According to Statista, they project more than 2.27 billion users use the platform.   Yes, that’s billion with a B.

Now, where there are people, there’s money, right?

So, that brings me to this guide today, and answering the question, “Can you make money Skype?”

And, the answer?

Of course.

In today’s guide, I’m going to brainstorm and show you some ways as to how you can make money on Skype in case you’re interested.  As always, I’m 100% honest, straight to the point and never promote garbage that won’t work.

How to Make Money on Skype

NOTE:  A lot of these options will take a lot of marketing on your part, so don’t expect to make money today.

Teach English

One of the best ways to start making money on Skype is simply by teaching the English language to students overseas, predominantly those who live in China.  As mentioned in my tips, however, this is much easier said than done, but it is possible.

To launch your ESL career, one of the best ways is to launch an English language blog and then promote it via SEO and social media.  On this blog, you can create short posts, offering insightful tips as well as news regarding the English language.  As people search for terms you’re writing about, you will have your contact information on your blog, in which people can then contact you if they are interested.

If you go this route, just make sure you have a professional social media profile, a way for potential students to contact you as well as a pricing sheet.  Experts note that it’s best to offer a small free trial to lure students in.  It doesn’t have to be long, maybe 30 minutes at most, but this is a great way to let students know what you have to offer.

Promoting yourself is going to take a lot of work, but it isn’t the only option if you’re interested in ESL work.  Indeed, Dave’s ESL Cafe, and TEFL offer multiple job postings.  You can also check out the 31+ best ESL jobs at the moment.

If you’re ready to start teaching English as a language on Skype, it can be done, and I highly recommend it if you’re already into teaching/tutoring and/or you have an interest.

To see how you can take full advantage of teaching English on Skype, I’m going to forward you to this great post.

Teach a Class… anything!

If teaching English isn’t something of interest to you, that’s okay because there are other options.  In fact, there are a lot of them.

Think about the skills you have to offer and what may work in a one-on-one or maybe a group setting.  If you can think of something, whether it’s teaching someone how to play piano or sew a new blanket, the options are endless.  If you need some inspiration and/or ideas, consider checking out Udemy or Skillshare as there are thousands of people teaching skills in almost everything.  I would just sit back and think of what you enjoy and see if can transform into a digital class of sorts.

While these websites are great, people often have to watch a pre-recorded lecture.  And, while there’s nothing wrong with that, some students need a little hand-holding or maybe they have a question.  This is where you can come into the picture and offer your guidance live via a Skype session.  This is something that many people don’t offer.

Of course, like teaching English, you will have to promote yourself.  So, whether you want to start a course on Udemy and then mention you offer private sessions or even start a YouTube channel, there are a lot of ways to do so.  Just keep in mind that it can take you some time before you see a lot of success.  The key here is to be patient and make sure you have the right credentials to market yourself.

Final Thoughts

There aren’t many ways to make money on Skype, unfortunately, and the ones that do make you money will take a lot of work.  I’m not going to discourage you, though!

And, one other thing I want to message are the sleazy YouTube videos saying you can make $500 a week on Skype.  I have watched a few YouTube videos on this topic and some “gurus” recommend messaging people with affiliate links on the platform and this doesn’t work, so why try it?

If you think about it, would you sign up for a program coming from a stranger?  Probably not.

If you try to spam people via the messages, then you’re going to soon find yourself banned as well as get blocked from the affiliate program.  This isn’t something you want.

That’s going to wrap it up for now.

Of course, there are many other ways to make cash, most of which you can find on my website and YouTube channel.  I’m 100% honest, I try to get to the point and I will never promote some garbage product. I don’t work that way.

As always, comment below with any concerns/comments you have.  Thanks for stopping by!

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Tom Nathaniel

Hi! My name is Tom Nathaniel, and I created LushDollar to help share my honest thoughts on everything money. You won't find gimmicks here. It's the Internet's most honest money site after all. I graduated from Arizona State University, and I have worked in the finance industry since 2006, consulting with multiple Fortune 5000 companies.

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