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Places That Cash Money Orders Right Now in 2023

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If you were to receive a money order, you may be wondering where you can cash it.

The good news is that you can cash out a money order just like a check, however, there are many more locations you can visit in order to get your cash.  So many, I figured I would create a guide, along with the fees you can expect to pay if you were to use one of these locations.  It’s as simple as they come if you’re looking to cash a money order today.

Before you head to one of the places mentioned on my list below, do keep in mind that you will need to sign the back of your money order just as you would a check.  However, don’t do it until you arrive at the location as some do require that they see you do it in person.

Wherever you do decide to go, make sure you bring proper identification of sorts, such as a passport, driver’s license, etc.  Your money order must match the name and address as it appears on the ID you’re bringing.  If you want to cash a money order with an ID, you can forget about it as all legitimate places will need to some sort of identification to protect themselves.

So, if you have a money order in hand and you’re ready to cash it, let’s take a look at where to cash a money order.

Places That Cash Money Orders

Your Bank of Credit Union

  • fees:  free (as long as you’re a customer sometimes) or up to $7

If you already have a relationship with a bank or credit union, then you should be able to cash a money order here.

What’s best about this option is that most banks, not all, will allow you to cash it for free.  Even if you don’t have an account with a bank, you may be able to walk in and ask, but be prepared to pay a fee.  This isn’t always the case, however, as Bank of America and Chase, for instance, will not cash money orders for non-customers.

The nice thing about using your bank is that you can get cash or you can deposit it and receive the funds almost immediately.  Some of the most popular banks that cash money orders include:

  • Bank of America
  • Capital One
  • Chase
  • Citibank
  • Commerce Bank
  • HSBC
  • Regions
  • SunTrust
  • TD Bank
  • US Bank

This is your best option, both fees and financially-wise, the main reason I’m putting it at the top of the list here.

United States Post Office

  • fees:  free if money order comes from the post office or about $0.45-$1.70, depending on the value

Yes, your local post office can cash your money order and it’s one of the most common places people use.

According to the USPS website, the price you pay to cash out will depend on the money order value.  Generally, you will pay between $1.25 to $1.70, but only $0.45 if you’re cashing a military money order.  However, if the money order came from the post office, then there won’t be a fee.

The nice thing about a post office is that there’s a good chance there’s on nearby and could be worth visiting, even if you have to pay a dollar or so to cash your money order.


  • fees:  $4 for money orders less than $1,000 or $8 for money orders more than $1,000.

I wanted to list Walmart here as it appears to pop up a lot, at least when I was researching the topic.

The great news is that Walmart can cash out your money orders, but it appears that they can only cash up to a $5,000 amount, which shouldn’t be a problem for most.  This is according to the official Walmart site.

According to Walmart, fees range from $4 to $8 per money order, depending on the value.  If the money order is less than $1,000, the fee is only $4, but any money order more than $1,000, the fee doubles to $8.

Western Union

  • fees:  $3-$5, depending on location and money order value

Western Union is one of the most common issuers of money orders, issuing and cashing the money orders if need be.

The nice thing about Western Union is that they are located worldwide with thousands of locations.  I highly encourage you to use the official search tool on the website to see where there’s a location nearby.  Generally, what you’re going to find out is that most are located inside a retailer, such as Walgreen’s or grocery store.  Pay close attention to these lists as some locations only issue the money orders, not cash them.  As long as you filter out your results, you can find a location.

The fees to cash a money order out at a Western Union location greatly varies by location, but like the post office, you will not have to pay a fee if the money order was issued by Western Union.


  • fees:  $3-$5, depending on location and money order value

MoneyGram is another company that works just like Western Union.  It’s another popular issuer of money orders and some locations may be able to cash out your money order.  This, like the Western Union, depends on the location you choose.  This is why it’s important to use the official search tool to find a location near you.

Most MoneyGram locations are located inside CVS, Walmart as well as a handful of grocery store chains, and the price to cash out greatly varies on the location and value.  What I found is that most fees will be in the $3 to $5 range.

Again, not all MoneyGram locations will cash a money order, even if it comes to MoneyGram.  Please, I can’t stress this enough; call your location before going there so that you don’t waste your time.

Grocery Store

  • fees:  $3-$5, depending on location and money order value

Almost every grocery store has a customer service desk with money order cashing options, usually of which come from Western Union or MoneyGram, as mentioned prior.

While most grocery stores can issue a money order, not all of them can cash them, however.  With that being said, it’s so important that you call them ahead of time to know their store policy.  For example, Publix and Safeway can issue a money order, but they can’t cash them.  In my research, the following grocery stores could cash your money orders:

  • Hy-Vee
  • Kroger
  • Ralphs
  • Shaw’s
  • Stop and Shop
  • Vons
  • Winco

Kroger, on the other hand, can cash money orders at some locations since they deal with Western Union.  To increase your chances at these locations, it’s best to bring them a money order that was issued by that company.  So, for instance, if you had a MoneyGram money order, then it would make sense to bring it to a MoneyGram location to save on fees.

Again, call these locations to confirm.

Check Cashing Services

  • fees:  10% of money order, on average

This isn’t the best option on the list as the fees tend to be the highest, but as in all of my guides, I try to be non-bias and include all of your options.

A check cashing store, such as an ACE Cash Express or Speedy Cash, for instance, can cash your money orders, but be forewarned that it can cost more than 10% in fees.  This can add up if you’re cashing a money order higher than $100.  That’s $10 per $100!

As I write this, here’s a full list of check-cashing services that can help you cash a money order:

  • ACE Cash Express
  • Amscot
  • Check into Cash
  • Money Mart
  • Speedy Cash

Please use this option as your last resort as it usually doesn’t make sense 99% of the time, but if you do go this route, just be prepared to get killed in fees.

Gas Station or Convenience Store

Some gas stations can cash money orders, but like the check-cashing services, the fees can be quite high, again, sometimes as high as 10% of your money order value.  This could be an okay option if you live in a rural area without many options.

In most circumstances, if you do find a gas station that’s willing to do so, you will find that they won’t cash a money order/check any higher than $300.  This is simply done to prevent fraud.

Let me stress it one more time.  Call your locations before going, regardless of what the website says.

Signs of a Fraudulent Money Order

When you receive a money order, no matter who it comes from, it’s always best to look for any of the following to ensure its legitimacy:

  • No handwriting:  If anything on the money order has been altered, such as handwriting and/or altered of sorts, this is a huge red flag and should be questioned.
  • Watermarks:  A legitimate money order will typically have a watermark that’s visible when held up to the light.  Similar to that of money, you will want to hold it up to the light at all angles to see if you can spot any sort of watermark logo.
  • Reflective threads:  A legitimate money order should have a multicolored reflective thread along the edges and will just like the watermark.
  • The old scam:  If you received a money order and the payer is asked you to refund the money back in cash, this is one of the oldest scams in the book.  You refund the money and the money order bounces, leaving you without the cash.

If you’re ever sure the money order is a cam, you can always look up a copy online to see what they look like.  For example, if you received a Western Union money order, search “Western Union money order” to see what’s on Google images.  This can allow you to compare the two to make sure it’s legit.

Final Thoughts

If you have a money order in hand, always start with your bank.  This is going to be your best option, seeing there’s a good chance you won’t have to pay a fee.  And, if you don’t have a relationship with a bank, then start with the money order issuer.  For instance, if it was issued by the post office, then cash it there to avoid fees.  The same can be said about Western Union, etc.  This is your next best option.  As stressed above, your check cashing services should be avoided as the fees tend to be very high.

As you can see, there are a ton of places to cash your money order for free or a low fee.  In most cases, you can expect to pay $0 to $3 on average to cash a money order, regardless of where you go, except for a check cashing service, which, in this case, they could take more than 10%!

While the internet can provide a lot of answers, always call the location you plan on visiting to ensure they can cash your money order as well as let you know what it will cost to do so.

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Tom Nathaniel

Hi! My name is Tom Nathaniel, and I created LushDollar to help share my honest thoughts on everything money. You won't find gimmicks here. It's the Internet's most honest money site after all. I graduated from Arizona State University, and I have worked in the finance industry since 2006, consulting with multiple Fortune 5000 companies.

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