Since 2002, BzzAgent has worked with many prominent brands, such as Nestle, Purina, Proctor & Gamble, to name a few. With more than one million members, they recruit people like you, referred to as BzzAgents. As an agent, you are responsible for evaluating products at home and then sharing their opinions.
While the company doesn’t seem to pay you to try products, you can keep new products and continue to receive them as long as you keep providing your feedback after receiving them.
If you like trying new products and don’t mind expressing your thoughts, then BzzAgent may be something to consider. In this review, I will show you how to sign up, if it’s worth your time ,and what’s expected of you as a BzzAgent.
Let’s begin!
What Is BzzAgent?
Simply put, BzzAgent will send you products from your favorite companies and ask you to try them at home. After you try them for the duration asked of you, you will then report back and answer some questions as well as provide your feedback. In some cases, you may have to share on your social media profile. It will all depend on the campaign you choose, but you will always know what’s expected of you before you accept the job.
Product testing isn’t a new concept. In fact, it’s done by many companies I have reviewed before. This is done so that these brands can improve their products before they hit the store shelves.
The company is operated by Dunnhumby, which is a global customer data science company based in London.
How To Sign up for BzzAgent
To sign up for BzzAgent, the process is easy. You can either connect your Facebook account or you can create an entirely new account using your email address. No matter which option you choose, you are forwarded to the same dashboard.
Before you access your dashboard, the company will want to know your name, gender, birthday as well as your physical address so that they can send you products in case you qualify for a campaign. This information is required if you want to participate.
Joining is 100% free and you must be at least 18+ to create an account.
Connecting Your Social Media
As you create your account, BzzAgent will ask that you connect your social media accounts, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
And, this is done because a lot of campaigns will want you to share your experiences online, but they are looking for a certain number of followers. While you don’t have to connect your social media accounts, it does help in getting new campaigns, especially if you have a lot of followers.
This step is 100% optional, but I would recommend adding an account or two, even if you have a few followers as this is what a lot of advertisers are looking for on this platform.
Your Profile
After this, you will then have to share some of your interests so that they can properly match you up with campaigns.
They ask that you select four at most, so be sure to choose your favorites so that you’re matched up with a product you enjoy. Whichever you choose is up to you, but the ones you do choose will be related to what you receive. So, for instance, if you choose pets as an interest and you have a pet, there’s a good chance you may be asked to have your pet sample a pet product.
And, just like survey panels, the questions continue. After you choose your interests, you will then need to let them know a bit about you, such as your income, education, occupation, etc.
The Waiting Game
The entire sign-up process takes maybe five to 10 minutes at most. It doesn’t take long at all, and it’s required that you fill out everything so that your name is entered into the company’s database.
Once your name is entered, it’s now a waiting game. If a campaign matches your profile and interests, BzzAgent will send you an email with more information about that campaign. It’s up to you to accept or reject it.
Unlike most survey sites, there isn’t a dashboard to check in. Rather, it’s all email based. And, since they don’t pay you, there’s nothing to keep track of anyway. The only thing is that when you do get an invite and you accept, you will just have to follow the rules to keep in good standing.
BzzAgent Campaigns
If you do accept a campaign, the company will send you a package to your physical address on file. It will look something like this:
In this packet, the contents can vary, of course, but they will usually include a small card telling you to check your email in the future for specific instructions. Generally, depending on the item, you will be asked to share your experience on social media and/or to write a review and send it to them. The email will have all of the information you need, but it will more likely ask for you to take a picture and a few sentences sharing your thoughts.
How Many Products Will I Get?
This is the golden question, and there’s no answer. Some people sign up and never receive anything while some users report receive a few items a year.
What it’s going to boil down to are your demographics and social media following. If you have 5,000+ Instagram followers, you can plan on seeing a lot more invites than someone who doesn’t connect a social media account.
In the end, there’s no answer. All I can say is you can get no invites or maybe you will be lucky to get one every few months.
One thing is for certain, however. They won’t be sending samples every week, that’s for sure, so if that’s what you’re looking for, you’re in the wrong place. Instead, you’re going to have to picture it as a place where you can get something on occasions, maybe once every 6-8 months, if that.
What Kind of Products Will I Get?
It can be just about anything you see on the store shelves, from beauty products to food.
If you search for BzzAgent on YouTube, for instance, I found people review soda, cleaning supplies, toys, medicine, yogurt and much more.
Like how many products you will receive, I can’t answer this in detail, either. It’s going to depend on the advertiser and the campaign they are looking to run. In most cases, it will be a new product that hasn’t even hit the store shelves yet.
Online Surveys
In addition to receiving products to sample, the company will send out survey invites as well. Unlike most companies that send out surveys and pay you, BzzAgent doesn’t. Instead, these surveys will help you earn “points” and sometimes a free product in exchange for your opinions.
From what I read, I wouldn’t expect much if you were to take them, so don’t hold your breath.
What the Internet Is Saying
These reviews aren’t always about my opinion, the main reason I like to include other opinions as well. I researched online via multiple third-party sites and found a lot of cons and pros, most of which I tried to break down below.
The Pros
- fun way to try new things
- free to join
- easy to setup a profile
- reputable company that networks with Fortune 500 brands
- you get to keep whatever product you receive
The Cons
- don’t get paid
- limited number of samples sent out
- you may need a decent social media account
Final Thoughts
Eh, I wouldn’t expect much from BzzAgent. I mean, if you want to add your name to the database, I say go for it. Just let it be known that you’re going to be competing with about one million+ other members. To put it simply, you’re not going to get much. In fact, you will be lucky to get one item in a year.
If you want to get paid to try products, it can be done, but I don’t think you will have much luck with BzzAgent. Instead, what I recommend is you sign up with the powerhouses like Swagbucks and look out for the higher paying surveys. Usually, these surveys send items to your home to test out and you get paid. I have tested tons of products and get paid $5 to $10 every time. If I’m going to get a product, I want to get paid for my review.
In the end, it’s not the best option to get a free product, but the company backing it is 100% legit if you do decide to join. Just don’t get mad at me if you don’t get a product.
As always, the comments section is open to you. If you have ever use BzzAgent and want to comment, feel free to do so below.
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