Clickworker is one of the many sites that work just like MTurk, one of the most popular short task sites on the internet.
And, if you’re not familiar with Amazon Mechanical Turk, it’s a short-task like website where you can work whenever you want, completing very simple tasks, such as finding data, taking pictures or even surveys. Most of these tasks don’t pay much, however, there are some diamonds in the rough.
In today’s review, let’s take a look at what could be the second most popular micro job website on the internet, Clickworker.
Is it legit? Can you make money?
We’re about to find out.
As in all of my reviews, I’m always 100% honest, only recommending what I feel is worth your time.
What is Clickworker?
Clickworker isn’t like the most money-making options I talk about, such as surveys and transcription. Instead, picture it as a melting pot of everything. Yes, you can do surveys as well as transcription, but there’s much more. If you want a variety of opportunities, then this is something to highly consider, especially if you’re already on the Mechanical Turk platform.
To get started, you will want to register as a “worker” and then provide some information such as your name, address and email. The entire sign-up process takes maybe five minutes at most to join.
Right now, it is open to everyone worldwide, as long as you’re 18+, but keep in mind, like the many options I talk about, some countries will not see as many jobs as others.
Lastly, Clickworker is only available via your mobile phone and cannot be accessed from your desktop.
The Jobs
Once you sign up and complete your application, you can immediately start working on your jobs.
Your main screen will look something like this:
When I was doing this review, I could choose from maybe 30+ jobs, many of which ranged from taking pictures to using my voice. There were also mystery shopping jobs and surveys.
Each job will give you detail as to what you need to do as well as what you’re going to make.
So, if we took that example above, you can see that you would need to “take some pictures of your garden or from your balcony” and you could get rewarded $1.30 per job. If that sounded like something of interest, then you would open the job description and read what’s expected of you.
Throughout these instructions, you will see how long the job will take, what you need to do as well as what you can make. Again, make sure you read these instructions in detail as failing to complete the job as intended will lead to disapproval. Usually, these jobs are fairly straight-forward, however, every once in a while, you will get a requester that may be more demanding than others.
This platform, like Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, it’s operated by random businesses and companies who are looking for help. This means someone like you or I can post jobs, so you’re not working directly with Clickworker. Rather, they are just the platform to connect workers with requesters.
Whenever you look at your dashboard, you can always filter your work if you’re looking for specific jobs.
What Kind of Jobs Are There?
Clickworker has a wide variety of jobs you can choose from, many of which are self explanatory.
Some of these jobs, however, will require that you take an assessment, which is a training of sorts. You will have to read the material and then pass a quiz to prove that you know how to complete the work. Once you pass the course, you can receive even more work. You will be able to find these assessment opportunities in the assessment tab.
When I was writing this review, these were some of the categories I could choose from:
- app testing
- surveys
- research
- proofreading
- voice recordings
- photo capturing
- text creation
- image annotation
- video creation
- categorization
- mystery visits
- reviews
Again, if any of these jobs sound of interest, you can always filter them out so that’s all you do. Depending on the time of year, you can see a ton of jobs or you may see nothing at all. Your results will vary.
How Much Will You Make?
Like most of these short tasks sites, you won’t make much.
When I was glancing at my dashboard, I could make anywhere from $0.05 to $2, maybe more on some longer jobs. I wouldn’t expect to make more than $2 on most jobs, however.
With that being said, a lot of what I found on the app seemed to be sleazy, such as uploading your ID or taking pictures. There were some decent ones, but you had to make sure that the job you were actually doing was worth your time, as some seemed to invade your privacy.
If you use the app throughout the day, you could maybe make a few dollars. It’s definitely not enough to quit your day job.
Getting Paid
All payments are made weekly, either via Payoneer or PayPal.
There are no minimums, so if you have a balance, you will automatically be paid, which can be looked at as a pro/con. Some like being paid whenever they can whereas others like the idea of having no minimum.
To see how much your balance is, you can visit your payment page and see the current payable balance.
The Pros
- nice variety of tasks (good break from surveys)
- good community if you need help
- can work from your phone
- work whenever you want
The Cons
- you won’t always find work
- low hourly pay
- some personal information required
- high rejection rates from some requesters
- slow support
- technical issues
Final Thoughts
5/10Clickworker is 100% legitimate and you will get paid as long as your work gets approved. However, don’t expect to make much as the tasks are very limiting. Even if you find a good task, it won’t pay all that much.If you want to work from your phone and don’t want to partake in your traditional surveys, then it’s something to maybe check out. I think it’s an okay option for those who live outside of the United States and want a few dollars a day. In this case, the app could make sense.
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