Neevo Review: $15/HR Performing Small Tasks?

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Neevo, also referred to as DefinedCrowd,  is a platform that works a lot like the very popular Amazon Mechanical Turk.  You can complete simple tasks and earn money in doing so.  It’s not much, but the small payments do add up.

If you have used MTurk before, then Neevo is very similar, and it may be one to consider.  If you’re not familiar with these simple task sites, it’s as simple as performing a small task, say, listening to some audio and then transcribing it, and getting paid.

If you want to earn money online, then it may be one to consider.  As a fair warning, however, you shouldn’t expect to earn a ton of money using the site.  I would only consider it if you want to make a few dollars a day.

In today’s review, I want to talk about Neevo and how you can earn money.  I will also talk about the company’s reputation, what others think of it as well as what I think in the end.  As always, all of my reviews are 100% honest.  I only recommend what I feel is worth your time.

What is Neevo?

Neevo was created to help teach AI models.  For example, if someone were to say “call Tom,” but it was mistaken for “call Mom,” then you would help provide data to ensure it was as accurate as possible.  If you have ever completed tasks on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk), then you will be familiar with this platform.

With Neevo you can help identify if transcriptions match their recordings or identify key items within some text.  Payment will vary depending on the tasks you perform, but the company does note that contributors can earn about $15 per hour.  Your results will vary, however.

Signing Up

To sign up, you can do so via your smartphone device or via the desktop.  At the moment, the app is available for both Android and iOS devices.

Whichever way you choose, you will be asked to create either a new account or you can connect your Apple or Facebook account.

When signing up, the company asks for your basic information, such as your name, email as well as your language abilities.  The entire process takes about two minutes to complete.

After you confirm your email, you can then access your dashboard, which I will get into next here.

You will need to be at least 18+ years old and it’s open to everyone worldwide.


After you sign up, you can’t start working with jobs right away, as Neevo will want you to take a language test so that they can show you the appropriate available jobs.

And, to start taking these tests, you click on the “skills & badges” tab to start your test so that you can increase your chances for the most work.

When I took the test, I was presented with both a writing and audio test.  These tests are required and will help improve your ranking in the system as well as increase your potential of landing a job.

Before you start, however, you will have to add a payment method, which, in this case, is your PayPal account.  Once you do, you can take both tests, each lasting about 30 minutes.  Be prepared to set aside this time in a quiet space to ensure you’re getting the best score possible.

What Kind of Jobs Are There?

The jobs will vary quite a bit on the platform, but usually, you’ll be asked to label, upload, and/or validate text, audio or images/videos.

Specifically, this means you may be asked to draw a box around a specific object or you may have to record yourself reading text.  There are many jobs, but these are just a few examples.

For example, in the screenshot above, you’re asked to rate the highlighted text.  Is the text comprehensible, etc?  In particular, this one asked you to choose from a variety of smiley faces.

As a quick note, jobs are often uploaded in batches, so make sure  you enable notifications so that you’re notified whenever new jobs come up.  This can be done via your menu, settings and then the notifications tab.

How Much Does Neevo Pay?

Like MTurk and other short task sites, you will know how much you will make before you even accept a job.  Depending on which job you accept, you will find jobs ranging anywhere from $0.10 to more than $1.

Of course, seeing it’s a short-task site, these jobs only take up to a minute to do, at least most of the time, so you can easily complete, say, 10 $0.10 tasks in less than a few minutes.  It will depend on your speed, however.  Your results will vary.

Getting Paid

According to the company, they only pay out via PayPal because of security purposes.  This can change, of course, but at the time of publishing, it’s the only option.

Whenever you complete a task, you will get paid after the job is completed, usually no longer than two weeks.  Sometimes, however, it can take a pinch longer.  All payments get processed only after all contributors made the necessary contributions to complete the job.  So, for example, if there are 100 tasks, you will have to wait for all 100 tasks to be completed before the job closes.

What the Internet Says

I found a few third-party sites that reviewed the site and they weren’t all that great.

For example, on Trustpilot, the company had a poor 2.3/5 rating with users stating the following:

  • not being paid after completing hundreds of tasks
  • some of the work was very hard to complete
  • the wages were very low
  • instructions weren’t clear
  • work was rejected after being submitted

The app reviews on the Google Play store were just as poor, with the app scoring a 3/5.   In reading these reviews, here’s what I found:

  • the app doesn’t work as great as the desktop version — lots of glitches
  • not a lot of work available

Final Thoughts

7/10Neevo is, indeed, 100% legit, and it’s one you should at least consider if you like the short task-like sites.  I read a lot of poor reviews, but there were some people who enjoyed it.  It’s not going to make you a ton, and I don’t think you can average $15+ per hour, as they claim, but who knows?  That could change.  I wouldn’t put it as my #1 short task site as MTurk blows this out of the water.

If you like the idea of transcribing, analyzing pictures and performing a variety of tasks to help AI, then consider it.  It’s a decent flexible side hustle and that’s about it.  Don’t consider it as a full or part-time job.  As long as you have that mindset, it can be much more enjoyable.  Just keep in mind that you will have to take those lengthy skills tests before you see most of the work.  This can be quite frustrating to some.

That’s going to do it for now.

If you want to comment on your experience with Neevo, you’re more than welcome to do so in the comments below.  As always, thanks for stopping by.

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Tom Nathaniel

Hi! My name is Tom Nathaniel, and I created LushDollar to help share my honest thoughts on everything money. You won't find gimmicks here. It's the Internet's most honest money site after all. I graduated from Arizona State University, and I have worked in the finance industry since 2006, consulting with multiple Fortune 5000 companies.

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