If you’re in the market for a cell phone, but you don’t want to pay for one, you may have been doing some research. Well, one particular company that often pops in a search goes by the name of Simply Free Cell Phones or SimplyCellPhonesForYou.com.
The company claims that you may qualify for a FREE cell phone, but it doesn’t go into much more. Instead, they ask that you add your name address and a lot of other personal information.
At first, the URL seems somewhat legit, but I’m kind of hesitant as to if you can get a free cell phone. So, as always, I went ahead and played around with the website to see if you can truly get a free cell phone.
As in any of my reviews, I remain non-bias, honest and I only promote companies that I would use. I don’t push BS products nor would I mislead. I want to stick to the internet’s most honest finance site, after all.
With that out of the way, if you want a “simply free cell phone,” let’s see if this company lives up to the name.
Who Runs Simply Free Cell Phones?
When I arrived on the site, I couldn’t find much as to who runs it. But, if I went to the WHOIS, which lets you know who runs the domain, this is what I found…
As you can see, it’s operated by someone by the name of Bo Parrish, who runs a company called Spark Revenue LLC. This company seems legit as I found some news articles as well as a LinkedIn page that stated they had 11+ employees. According to the company, they are said to be a “whole new marketing solutions provider” with more than 60+ years of combined online marketing experience.
If you’re ever researching a company online and you can’t find much, a quick WHOIS search, often via DomainTools.com, can yield some great results. It’s free to search.
It’s Not Affiliated With the Government
Yes, the government does offer a free cell phone plan of sorts, but it’s important to note here that this company, as per the footer, states that they are not affiliated with or endorsed by any local, state or federal office or agency. I just wanted to mention this quickly so that you can avoid any confusion.
If you were looking for a government-assisted program, this isn’t it. As you’re about to see, I will explain how the site works.
How to Get a Free Cell Phone
To get your free cell phone, the landing page asks for a ton of personal information, such as your address, full name as well as a phone number.
If you read closely, the company states that if you check the “I Confirm” box, you will receive phone calls and text messages from “Marketing Partners.” I’m not sure what this means, but I don’t like it as it probably leads to a lot of spam. In many cases, these companies will take your personal information and then sell it to someone else.
So, to maybe save you some time, I went ahead and did it and this is what happened next.
After you hit the “I Consent” box, it then takes you to a long list of annoying offers, such as this one:
If you have ever been on a site like this before, you probably already know what I’m talking about. You will have to click no at least 20-30 times before you get to the end, which, most of the time, is a garbage offer and doesn’t live up to what it said in the first place!
Not to judge too quickly, I went ahead and made it to the end, which brings me to my next point here.
When I finally made it to the end, I was prompted with yet another “You May Qualify…” offer which looked like this:
In this case, if you looked closely at the footer, again, it says it “does not guarantee the success of any applications for U.S. government benefits,” etc. And, again, they are not affiliated with any agency.
Again, I had to go through more offers, in which I could say yes or no. Finally, I was able to get to a prompt, asking if I were interested in seeking assistance.
If I clicked “Yes,” it then took me to a website called MyGrantResource.com, another website that asked for my email. In giving my email to this website, I could “discover resources,” such as housing grants, help with jobs, etc.
Don’t get excited, however, as the site just keeps pushing you to other junk websites. For example, if I stated I needed housing help, I would then be pushed to another site like this one and am asked to enter my email yet again. It seemed like a never-ending loop, getting me nowhere.
A Piece of Junk – Steer Clear!
In all of my reviews, I would have to say this is the sleaziest website I have ever encountered. It’s nothing but asking for personal information and pushing offers that will be of no value to you. It never ends! If you signed up for any of these offers, and I HIGHLY recommend you don’t, you will be helping the website owner, not yourself.
These types of websites get a kickback any time someone signs up, so they will act as if they want to help you, but in reality, all they care for are the leads.
Final Thoughts
Don’t buy into any positive reviews you read as it’s simply not true. This website will not provide you with a free cell phone nor will it help you in any way. You will just get frustrated using the website, which will lead to a ton of email and text messaging spam.
If you need free cell phone service and you feel you qualify for it, at least financially, then I recommend reputable free government wireless plans such as Assurance Wireless, SafeLink or QLink. All of these companies will help you get a free phone plus plan. However, you will need to qualify.
That does it for now.
If you’re researching Simply Cellphones, just skip it 100%. I promise you it won’t offer you any value. Instead, it will lead to a ton of frustration.
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