Stepbet Review: Make $5-20+ Walking…

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StepBet is a fitness app I have mentioned a few times such as in my get paid to work out apps as well as my many apps that work like Sweatcoin.  It’s pays you to stay active as long as you’re willing to bet some money on yourself.

With more than 1,000,000 downloads and a solid reputation online, I wanted to talk about the app today.  I wanted to show you how it works, how much you can make as well as if it’s worth your time.

As in all of my reviews, I’m always 100% honest, only promoting what I feel is worth your time.

If you want to stay active and you need some incentive to do so, then you may find that this app is one to consider.

Let’s begin.

What is StepBet?

StepBet is owned by a company called WayBetter, and they offer both an Android and Apple app.  Right now, it’s only available via a mobile device since it will need to sync with one of the many fitness trackers out there.  This is how it will track your fitness activity.  The company will pay users, such as yourself, whenever you reach your goal, either via mini games or challenges, in which you can choose from.

At the start of each challenge, it will tell you what’s expected of you to win part of the pot as well as how much you’re going to have to bet.  And, how much you win will depend on the number of people who enter the contest as well as how many make it to the end.  For example, if you compete with 50 people and only 30 make it to the end, then the 30 of you will split the pot.

In most competitions, you can compete with up to almost 1,000 people, and in order to win, you will have to track your daily step count daily, as failing to do so will lead to a loss.

Yes, the company itself is 100% legit and you can be assured you will be paid out if you were to win the prize.

Signing up for StepBet

To get started, you will first have to download the app, either on the Google Play Store or iTunes.  It’s 100% free to download and you can start browsing the contests right away without investing any money.

In the beginning, the company will first ask you which fitness tracker you’re using so that you can receive customized goals.

At the moment, the company supports Fitbit, Garmin devices, Google Fit and Samsung Health. When you sync your device, you can then start browsing contests.  Keep in mind that you must sync your electronic pedometer as this is how they will track your steps when you play the contests.

How StepBet Works

After you download the app and then connect your fitness tracker, as stated prior, StepBet will then link your device and research your past step history so that it can create new step goals for you.  Everyone’s step goals will be different as it will be formulated based on the number of steps you have taken in the past.  So, for example, if you walk an average of 10,000 steps a day, your daily goal will be around 10,000 steps, etc.

The daily goals are just to be used as a personal challenge.  It doesn’t cost money nor are you competing with anyone.  It’s simple as a way for you to track targets within the app if you don’t want to compete with anyone at the moment.

Competing for Cash

When you’re ready to start making money with StepBet, you will have to pony up some cash because, as I said, you will be betting on yourself to compete.

Directly on your app, you will be able to view the most recent contests as well as filter them.

Filters will include public contests, member contests as well as player-hosted contests.

Most of the contests you see will be “member only,” and in order to participate in these, you will have to pay about $50 for the year.  This entitles you to play three games at once, access to exclusive games as well as the ability to split the pot 100% with the winners.  Depending on how often you use the app, the $50 could be worth it.

If you choose to forego the member only contests, you can always compete in the public and player-hosted games.  You just won’t win as much and you won’t be able to choose from as many games.

Betting on Yourself

When you’re ready to join a game, almost everything that you need to know is presented to you at first.

For example, the free trial membership challenge will require a $10 bet and it includes a $4,180 pot amongst 418 players.  How much you will win will depend on how many people finish.  If only 200 finish the challenge, you could receive $20 as a prize ($4180/200), etc.  As you can see, the more people who fail, the more money that’s left to you.  And, since each challenge is so different, it can be hard to distinguish how much you can truly win.

When you click on “Join game,” you will then receive program details, such as this…

As you can see, it will tell you how to win.  In this scenario, you would have to complete four active days of at least 9,448 steps and two power days of at least 12,189 steps.  You’re granted one free day, wherein you don’t have to do anything.  Make sure you pay close attention to what’s expected of you.

If all of this sounds of interest, then you will join the game, pay the fee and then walk your steps for the duration noted.   In this case, it would have been three weeks.  Upon completion, you’re then rewarded the pot if you successfully keep your fitness tracker linked.

The company allows you to pay via PayPal, Venmo or a credit card.

Walking to Earn Cash

Once you join the contest successfully, it’s then time to start walking at least daily.  From what I have seen, you can walk six out of seven days, but try to walk as many days as you can and create a plan.  Remember, if you fail just one week, you lose out on the pot and the contest ends.

As you walk, the app will keep track of your daily walks and place an icon on each day you successfully complete it.

In that example, the checkmark will refer to the active days, whereas the lightning  bolts refer to your power days.  Remember, you will need a certain amount of days each week, and this is why it’s important you know what’s expected of you.

If you meet the deadlines met within the app, then you will get credit, in which you can request a PayPal payout.  It will take about 24 hours after your contest completes.

Can You Cheat on StepBet?

Sure, if you wanted to cheat, I’m sure you could, but from what I read, they are very strict in catching patterns that will suspend you from the program.  Is this a risk you really want to take?  Probably not.

If the app suspects you’re cheating, then your account will be flagged and you will then need to provide additional proof.

Plus, you have to remember why you’re taking advantage of the app.  There’s probably a good chance you want to do it because you want to better yourself and you need an incentive.  If you cheat, what good is it?  Even if you win, the prizes are often not as much as you think, but it’s something.

How Much Money Can You Win?

Looking around the Internet, it doesn’t appear to be much, unfortunately.

On average, you can expect to earn about $5 to $15, and this is after investing three to six weeks of your time.

Most people, however, don’t use the winnings as an incentive.  Rather, people use it as a way to not lose their money.  It’s a great way to hold yourself accountable.

The Pros:

  • low investment
  • great incentive to stay active
  • cash out via PayPal

The Cons:

  • not a lot of winning potential
  • some tech problems that don’t sync fitness trackers

Final Thoughts

8/10In the end, I like StepBet a lot if you’re looking for a way to maximize your steps throughout the week.  It doesn’t take much in terms of an investment and you can win maybe 30-50% of what you invested if you were to win.  Don’t expect to win much, but I would picture the app more as an incentive to walk for three to six weeks.  If you don’t have the discipline, then this app may be able to help you.

StepBet is 100% legit and they do pay out if you were to win.  I highly recommend you at least check out one contest to see if it’s worth it to you.  Who knows?  You may become addicted and find yourself completing more challenges than you thought.

And, if you like the idea of StepBet, there are a variety of other apps that work just like it.  Check out that guide to see how you can maximize your “bets.”

As always, if you want to comment on your experiences with StepBet and/or you want to talk about what I have written, you’re more than welcome to comment on it below.

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Tom Nathaniel

Hi! My name is Tom Nathaniel, and I created LushDollar to help share my honest thoughts on everything money. You won't find gimmicks here. It's the Internet's most honest money site after all. I graduated from Arizona State University, and I have worked in the finance industry since 2006, consulting with multiple Fortune 5000 companies.

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