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Under Armour Product Tester (How to Sign Up)

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In the past, I wrote about the ways you could become a product tester with Nike, New Balance and Adidas, essentially receiving free shoes for a few months.

In short, these popular shoe companies could send you gear and shoes for a few months at no cost as long your demographic fits their needs.  In exchange, you would wear the gear as you normally would and send them back with your feedback to help these companies improve its products.

Another company that you have probably heard of, Under Armour, also offers a product testing program similar to that of Nike, Adidas and New Balance.  Yes, it is possible to get free shoes and gear from Under Armour.  You just need to sign up!

If you like the idea of testing out new Under Armour shoes and gear at no cost, then you may want to check out this guide to at least add your name to the list.  If the company feels you’re a fit, you could find some great gear landing in your mailbox.

How to Become an Under Armour Product Tester

If you want to become an Under Armour product tester, the entire process is pretty straight-forward.  Like many of the guides I wrote in the past, I will walk you step-by-step in the guide below to show you what it’s all about.

Signing up is 100% free and only takes minutes to complete.

First, Understand What the Program Is All About

According to the official website, the Under Armour testing program “engages athletes in the product development process.”

All of the feedback received from you is shared with the Product Development and Management teams to help impact the final design and construction of future products.  They created this program to help make sure that they stand up to their “Universal Guarantee of Performance.”

In short, you, as a consumer, will be responsible to help the company improve its products.  You will wear the gear and then submit your feedback during your testing period.

While you won’t get to keep the shoes and/or gear most of the time, you will get to wear it for a few months, sometimes receiving more gear in the future if they like your feedback.  Best of all, everything you receive hasn’t hit the shelves yet.

Signing Up

To sign up, Under Armour will ask for a lot of information to make sure that you’re a fit for the program.  This is no different than the other shoe companies mentioned if you already signed up with their program.  Plan on giving out your personal information as well as what kind of activity you partake in, such as running, basketball, etc.  The entire process should take you a few minutes to complete.  Remember, you will need to fill this out in its entirety as the company will want to know about your demographics.

At first, Under Armour will just ask for your personal information, such as your address, email, phone and birth date.  They will also ask you to sign an NDA, something that I will touch upon later on.

Once you complete your application in the initial stages, you will then receive an email confirmation, as shown below, where you will be asked to create an Under Armour profile.


Your Profile

After you fill out your application, you’re not done yet as you will now be asked to fill out your profile if you want to receive some invitations.  You will also need to create a password so that you can sign in to your profile in the future if you were to receive a test.

While the application process only includes your personal information, Under Armour will also want to know your sizes, what kind of sports you complete in as well as ask you about any connected fitness trackers you use.

This is entirely optional, but again, without this information, the company will not know anything about you, so it’s best to at least fill it out.

Who Gets Accepted?

According to the application on the official website, the company will recruit you based on several criteria, including the following:

  • your activity/sports experience
  • how much you play today
  • your size
  • geographical location

While these companies are often looking for athletes, it doesn’t mean you have to be one.  Worst case, you never receive an invite, but, to me, it’s highly recommended you have some sort of activity level so that you can test the gear aggressively.

The Process

If you’re lucky enough to get selected to test a product, most testing periods will usually last one to two months, depending on what you receive and the project at hand.  You will know all about the details before you even start.

When you receive your items, the company will ask you to provide feedback during the testing period, usually revolving around the fit, comfort, performance and durability.  You may also be asked to keep a daily journal online as to where you wore your shoes for the day and what you did.  According to the company, feedback can be gathered in a variety of ways, from online surveys to video, photographs and/or e-mail/phone communication.  Again, as every project is different, feedback is a given, but it’s a matter of how.

You must be as detailed as possible in your reviews to ensure that you receive more opportunities in the future.  If you just fly through and offer simple feedback, then you can count on getting blacklisted from the company.

At the conclusion of your test, you usually have to send your product back in to the company so that they can visually inspect your product.  This isn’t always the case, but again, it will be known before the project begins.

Other Things to Know

Usually, Under Armour will have more testers than they have products, so there’s no guarantee you will ever receive a product to test.

You are permitted from sharing anything about your project testing through social media or any platform.  During your application, you do have to physically sign an NDA, so if you violate it, the company could legally come after you.  This isn’t something you would want to gamble on, so it’s best to keep quiet during your testing phase.

You will agree to return everything back if Under Armor requests that you do.  Failing to do so can result in consequences.

If you’re employed by a competitor or even know of a family member who is, you are not allowed to participate.  You can find full list of these competitors in your NDA while signing up, but some of the bigger names include the obvious, such as Nike, Reebok, Adidas and Puma, to name a few.

Final Thoughts

If you want some free Under Armour shoes and/or gear to arrive at your doorstep at no charge, then there’s no better way to at least sign up for the free Under Armour Product Testing program.

As long as you’re quite active and you’re the demographic they are looking for, you should see a product invite arrive in your account sometime in the future.  And, as long as you provide detailed feedback and follow the rules, you could continue to receive even more jobs as time goes on.  It’s a great way to test out products that never hit the shelves.

For now, I recommend you at least sign up for a profile and fill it out.  It will only take you a few minutes, but it will at least add your name to the database.  Even if you don’t think you fit the demographic, the worst thing that happens is that you never hear back!

If you ever joined the program and/or have questions, you’re more than welcome to add your thoughts in the comment below.  As always, I’d love to hear from you!

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Tom Nathaniel

Hi! My name is Tom Nathaniel, and I created LushDollar to help share my honest thoughts on everything money. You won't find gimmicks here. It's the Internet's most honest money site after all. I graduated from Arizona State University, and I have worked in the finance industry since 2006, consulting with multiple Fortune 5000 companies.

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