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Cuddle Comfort Review: $80+/hr to Cuddle?

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Cuddle Comfort is one I have mentioned before, particularly in my get paid to cuddle guide as well as the many odd ways to make money.

If you want to get paid to cuddle, then Cuddle Comfort is one of the largest sites on the internet to help that dream come true.

In today’s review, I want to talk about Cuddle Comfort.  I want to talk about how you can sign up, what you can make as well as what others think about it.  As in all of my reviews, I’m always 100% honest, only recommending what I feel is worth your time.

So, if you want to get paid to cuddle, this may be the website to consider.  Let’s see.

What is Cuddle Comfort?

Cuddle Comfort is a website designed to match you with a “cuddle buddy.”  There’s no funny business nor are you asked to do anything fishy.  It’s simply showing up to a location, cuddle for the time noted and get paid for your time.   Simply put, it’s a social network connecting someone looking to cuddle as well as someone who wants to cuddle for compensation.

Cuddle seekers can sign up for free, however, if you want to sign up as a “professional,” the company will take 15% of your commissions from females, and a monthly fee for males, which is about standard for the industry.  This fee is used to offset marketing efforts, etc.  The only reason a male is charged a monthly fee is to weed out the “jokers” and simply due to supply and demand.

At the moment, the website has more than 230,000 clients in all 50 states.  According to the company, a high majority of their professional cuddlers receive interest in as little as a few days after joining.

Signing Up

To sign up as a “professional cuddler,” the company will first ask for your name, email, gender, a picture and why you want to be a cuddler.  You must be at least 18+ years old to join.

After you provide these key details, the company then asks you to fill out a few other details on another page.

This will include a user name, password, location as well as a few other fields such as your birthday, hourly rate as well as “what you can be.”  In this field, you can either be a host, where you can host people at your home, a guest, in which you can visit a home, and/or a “public,” which means you will only meet in public spaces.  You can choose one or all three if you choose, it’s up to you.

Lastly, you will be asked to set your hourly rate, and this can be changed at any time, so don’t feel as if you have to decide right now.  The website recommends an $80 per hour average, but of course, you can charge more or less.

After you’re done with this page, the company then asks you to read a contract to digitally sign, mostly which covers the legalities.  This site isn’t to be used as a dating site, etc, and only should be considered as a strictly platonic and non-sexual platform.  If you offer services outside of what Cuddle Comfort offers, you will be banned with no questions asked.

Once the contract is signed, the company will then review your profile, in which they will either accept or deny.

As seen in the screenshot, they only contact those who they feel is a good fit.  If your application is denied, you won’t hear back as to a reason why; however, if you are accepted, you should hear back in less than seven days.  In this case, your profile will go live and cuddle seekers can start to message you if you fit what they are looking for.

Your Profile

If you’re approved, then you can gain access to your profile using the username/password combo you created.

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Your profile will allow you to receive messages from people interested as well as keep tabs on your bookings if you were to use the site as a booking platform.  These are the most important tabs as a professional, but there are other menu options if you’re seeking a person to cuddle with.

Whenever someone is interested with you, a message will come your way, where you can then work out the details.  This will include where you want to meet, your rates as well as anything else you want to include.  After the client pays your fee, it is then your duty to show up for the time noted and cuddle.

How Much Does Cuddle Comfort Pay?

Since you get to set your rates, this will greatly factor in what you make.

Aside from you setting the rates, other factors influence the pay as well, including your profile, your looks, gender, your location as well as how you can meet.

As I can’t give a definite answer, the company states the average hourly rate is $80, so if you were to be “average” and meet someone once a week, let’s say, that’s about $320 a month. Don’t forget that they do take a commission of about 15% if you’re female.

Depending on how hard you work at it, I think you can average $150 to $1,000+ per month cuddling very part time.

All payments are sent via PayPal through the company’s platform.

The Reviews

I couldn’t find much online in terms of reviews with the exception of this review.  It had about 40 reviews with a 4.2/5 rating.  Most reviews were very generic, saying they liked the ease of use and how much they enjoyed the site.  I didn’t find much in terms of negativity here.

TrustPilot users gave it a poor 2.3/5 rating.  Even though there were only eight reviews, a few people said their profile was restricted out of the blue and another stated that, as a guy, he never gets responses.  It doesn’t feel the monthly fee was worth it.  Again, your results will vary.

Final Thoughts

5/10If you’re a male, I don’t think you will make anything on the site after you offset the monthly fee.  This can be said about any dating-like site as females always come out ahead.

As a female, however, it’s up to you to determine if this is something that you want to do.  I know I don’t want to mess with strangers, especially if it comes to strangers.  I have a hard time selling to someone in a parking lot, so thinking about cuddling for one hour kind of creeps me out.  What if they are weird?  What if they have hygiene issues? I’m just thinking out loud here.  To be safe, I guess you can always choose the “public” option so that you only meet in public spaces.

In the end, I guess you could try it as long as you feel comfortable doing so.  If your profile is in demand, then making four figures a month is completely doable.  Who knows?  Maybe you could earn more (or less).

Cuddle Comfort is one of the biggest cuddling platforms on the net, so if you want to have people find you, this is it.

That’s going to do it for now.

If you want to comment on what I mentioned or maybe you want to add to it, then, as always, you can add your thoughts via the comments below.

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Tom Nathaniel

Hi! My name is Tom Nathaniel, and I created LushDollar to help share my honest thoughts on everything money. You won't find gimmicks here. It's the Internet's most honest money site after all. I graduated from Arizona State University, and I have worked in the finance industry since 2006, consulting with multiple Fortune 5000 companies.

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