Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash Driver Review: $30-$80/hr to Drive?

Some of the links may be from a sponsor. Advertising Disclosure is a company I have mentioned a few times, particularly in my jobs like Amazon Flex and 37+ side hustle apps posts.  It’s a company that connects delivery drivers on demand, helping with last minute delivery, moving and logistics.  Simply put, the company connects someone who needs a delivery now with a driver who’s available through the app.

Similar to that of Uber and Lyft, works in the same way, only that instead of transporting people, you will help move products, ranging anything from a pallet to a refrigerator from Costco.

Whether you have a four-door car or a box truck, may be something of interest.

In today’s review, I will discuss the pay, what other people think and how you can get started.  As in all of my reviews, I remain 100% honest, only recommending what I feel makes sense.

If you love driving, it may be an app to put on your list.  Let’s see if that’s the case…


Before we get into how you can sign up, let’s first discuss who qualifies, as there are requirements just like any other app.  The company accepts anything from cars up to box trucks measuring no longer than 26 feet and you’re at least 18+ years old.

To see if you qualify, here are the restrictions as of this posting, according to the company:

  • must pass a background and driving history check
  • your car must be 2000 or newer
  • there is an insurance requirement (they are very strict with this)
  • no rebuilt or salvage titles allowed
  • a vehicle inspection is required via an authorized provider or via a GoShare video chat (more on this once approved)
  • your car must be registered and insured matching the applicant’s name on file
  • must have an iPhone or Android capable of running the latest app
  • must be able to speak English

The qualifications aren’t much, as you can see.  Generally, as long your car is less than 20 years old, it passes an inspection and you have proper registration and insurance, you shouldn’t have a problem getting approved.

Now, before you get excited and sign up, let it be known that GoShare is only available in a select number of states.  I attached the locations below, but of course, this can change over time, so please refer to the official website for more details.

How it Works

If you do decide to sign up and you do get approved, then you will see that GoShare works a lot like Uber and Lyft to start working.

To start making money, you will get a delivery alert whenever you turn it on to tell them you’re available.  And, as an independent contractor, you can accept deliveries that make the most sense to you.

When you accept the delivery, just show up at the pickup address as scheduled and pick up whatever needs to be picked up at the moment.  Deliver the items accordingly and your payment will post in about four days.

Again, as an independent contractor, you get work whenever you please, making it one of the most flexible jobs available.

As a note, this is a physically demanding job as you will be asked to often load heavier objects.  Think moving furniture or even picking up a large item at a local Costco.  Remember that these customers are contacting you because they don’t have room in their car and/or they may not be able to lift the product on their own.

NOTE:  If you cancel your job with less than a 24 hours notice, a cancellation fee applies, about $20 to $30, depending on when you cancel.  If you fail to show, you risk deactivation as well as a $50 fee deducted from your account.

How Much Does GoShare Pay?

How much you make with will greatly depend on what you’re driving.  Usually, the larger the car/truck is, the more you make.  So, you can expect to make much more with a box truck than you would with a four-door car.

According to the company, these are the averages they often see:

  • Car:  $36 per hour + potential tips
  • Pickup Truck:  $46 per hour + potential tips
  • Cargo Van:  $65 per hour + potential tips
  • Box Truck:  $85 per hour + potential tips

Top drivers make thousands per month, but again, it will depend on what you’re driving, where you live, when you work and how often you work.  Your results will be much different than the next because I feel the “thousands” is well above the company’s average.

These are just averages and will vary.  I can’t stress this enough.

And, lastly, remember that this is gross earnings.   You still have to cover gas, maintenance, wear and tear as well as taxes.  At best, shave 20 to 30% off the hourly rate noted above to get a better idea as to what you would take home.

Drivers and helpers both keep 100% of their tips.


The website boasts great reviews, of course, but looking online, I found much different results.

For example, the Google Play Store has a 3.2/5 rating, but on iTunes, it has a 4.7/5.  I don’t know why there’s a big discrepancy, only that maybe they focus more on the Apple side than they do Android.

Only eight people rated the company on Glassdoor but gave them a 4.4/5 rating.

In reading these reviews, I went ahead and broke down both the pros and cons.

The Pros

  • above-average hourly rate for gig work
  • great opportunity if you have a truck or cargo van
  • flexible

The Cons

  • in some areas, jobs go very fast (this was a HUGE complaint)
  • not a lot of jobs available
  • not available everywhere

Final Thoughts

6/10In the end, is 100% legit, so if you sign up, you won’t get scammed, I can promise you that much.  However, in researching them, I don’t think you will see much order volume.  I wouldn’t expect to turn it into a full-time job, maybe only something part time.  I feel you can make a few hundred dollars a month, maybe more, maybe less.  Again, it depends on those factors I mentioned.

For now, if you have a pickup truck or cargo van and you meet the requirements noted above, why not try it?  Depending on your area, you may see a lot of volume or maybe nothing at all.  I just recommend you test your market to see if it’s worth your time.  If it isn’t, you can always cancel your account.

That does it for now.

As always, if you want to comment on GoShare with your experiences, you’re more than welcome to do so in the comments below.  Thanks for stopping by.

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Tom Nathaniel

Hi! My name is Tom Nathaniel, and I created LushDollar to help share my honest thoughts on everything money. You won't find gimmicks here. It's the Internet's most honest money site after all. I graduated from Arizona State University, and I have worked in the finance industry since 2006, consulting with multiple Fortune 5000 companies.

1 comment

  • Go shares background check partner Turn Technology SUCKS, these ppl take your money, tell you 6 weeks in that your name doesn’t match your public SSN yet YOU CANNOT REACH ANYONE. Voice-mail, emails nothing works…their partner is def the SCAM, and in my opinion Goshare is guilty by association!